Monthly Archives: June 2018

Housing Disrepair

Are you renting a property and not happy with your living conditions?

Are you suffering from problems in your rented property such as :-


  1. Rising Damp
  2. Black mould
  3. Leaking roof
  4. Water leaking in through your windows
  5. Drafty windows
  6. Peeling wallpaper
  7. Damp clothing , bedding and curtains
  8. Mice , Rat and insect infestation
  9. Boiler keeps breaking down
  10. No hot water
  11. No central heating
  12. Leaking plumbing , sinks , bath , toilet
  13. Failed double glazing units
  14. Steamy windows
  15. Cold house
  16. Damp smelling house


Then do not worry help is moments away go to or call 01704 532229 or e-mail

for a FREE initial assessment


We have been helping clients from many different countries now living in the UK in very bad and poorly maintained houses / flats for over 20 years throughout the UK on a no win no fee basis